Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Research for Assurance and Responsiveness- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research for Assurance and Responsiveness. Answer: Reflection report This research was beneficial to me to gain the understanding about the perceived quality and its influence on customer choices in retail. I have learned that retail manager should create a unique image in the mind of shoppers to get competition benefits in the retail industry. Hence, it was significant for me to understand the purchasing decision of customers (Flanagin, et. al., 2014). As a result, I can make effective marketing strategies to attract more customers and this will improve my professional career. During this research, I have also learned that company should emphasize on differentiated marketing strategies to beat the competition in the retail market. Further, it makes sure the company to effectively run in the existing rivalry. In this way, it has developed my marketing skills as I am competent to build new marketing strategy in an organization. Another thing that I have learned from this research is the quality of products and services. I have pointed that quality is a strategic element to get competitive benefits hence organization should give priority to this strategy. It is also assessed that quality of products facilitates a better position to offer high extent of satisfaction and creating desired loyalty (Subramanian, et. al., 2014). This strategy was effective to me to develop the strategy in an organization to get competitive benefits in long-term. This research has also developed my understanding regarding SERVQUAL dimension which is used to measure the level of service quality. This dimension measures the quality on the basis of different factors named empathy, assurance, responsiveness, tangibles, and reliability (Orel and Kara, 2014). Therefore, it enables me to measure the level of service quality within an organization. During this research, I have also observed that image of the store relies on the entire perception of customers towards the store. Moreover, It is analyzed that can provide a positive experience to customers to build the distinct image in their mind towards the store. This is beneficial to me to create a positive image in customers mind towards the stores in future. I have also developed my knowledge regarding strategies that cannot be replicated by the competitors such as differentiation, and modification in product, service, and price. It is significant for me to develop competitive strategies within an organization. As a result, it will aid me to enhance my professional growth in long term. I have also developed my understanding about two broader concepts such as functional features and psychological features. In this way, I have learned that psychological features represent the belief of the shopper that can be steadily changed by functional level features of the store. Moreover, the functional level of features entails the location, convenience of the store, and layout of the store (Oliver, 2014). These broader concepts are beneficial to me develop a distinct image in the customers mind towards their products and services. From this research, I have learned that consumer behavior is the integration of obtaining the consumers and disposing of the products with utilization as well as delivering services. I have gained an understanding that consumer behavior is the mixture of mental, physical and emotional practices by which people select, purchase, use and dispose of the products and services which can satisfy their desires and needs (Kallweit, et. al., 2014). This concept is effective for me to develop effective strategies due to having depth understanding consumer behavior, as a result, it would enhance my professional growth. During this research, I have also pointed that there are certain non-frequent and frequent shoppers for the existing departmental stores. These consumers can be younger and educated as well as have relatively high level of income. Hence, now I am able to become a good marketing manager within an organization. Moreover, I have analyzed that there are different elements of service quality that has recognized by the customer to assess the effectiveness of value proposition. I have also focused on the research methodology part which was beneficial to assess the information about the perceived quality and its influence on customer choices in retail in a systematic manner. I have also created knowledge about the importance of research question within a research. I have analyzed that research question is used to provide a guiding standard for assessing the appropriate relevant literature as compared to engaging in confusion due to diversity aspects associated with the perception of service quality and preferences of customers (Floyd, et. al., 2014). From the research, I have gained an understanding that process of research design is implemented for building the research methodology. This is used to facilitate the methodological design for resolving the research issue. Consequently, it would be beneficial to develop effective research methodology about the further research issue in future. Under this research, I have pointed that there are different elements that should be included in research methodology named sampling, data collection, research activity, and data analysis (Das, 2014). This would be beneficial to develop the effective research design regarding research issue in future, as a result, it would enhance my professional career. I have also developed my knowledge about different techniques of sampling named probability and non-probability techniques. In this way, I have learned that probability sampling is a process when each participant of the population has an equal opportunity of being selected in the survey thorough questionnaire. Along with this, I have observed that non-probability sampling is depending on the selection of respondent as per the specific precedent (Flanagin, et. al., 2014). These sampling methods were beneficial to enhance my research skills as I am competent to select the participants for getting the information about research issue. From this research, I have built my knowledge regarding data collection method. In this way, I have learned that there are two methods of gathering information named primary and secondary. There are different sources is used to gather the information through these methods. For example, the survey is used to collect the fresh information whereas secondary data can be gathered through different academic journals, academic publication, textbook and online and offline sources. I have also pointed that data analysis is used after collecting the data. In this way, statistical data is used to present the information through different charts, graph, and column diagram. In the last, I have learned that Gantt chart is used to estimate the time schedule for completing the research (Cantallops and Salvi, 2014). Hence, this research is beneficial to me to grow in future due to developing different skills. References Cantallops, A. S., and Salvi, F. (2014) New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels,International Journal of Hospitality Management,36, pp. 41-51. Das, G. 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(2014)Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. UK: Routledge. Orel, F. D., and Kara, A. (2014) Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(2), pp.118-129. Subramanian, N., Gunasekaran, A., Yu, J., Cheng, J., and Ning, K. (2014) Customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the Chinese E-retailing: Structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to identify the role of quality factors,Expert Systems with Applications,41(1), pp. 69-80.

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