Thursday, September 3, 2020

Oedipus Obstacles Essay Example

Oedipus Obstacles Essay Oedipus persevered through various encounters on his quest for reality that he didn't know at any point waited. Every single one of these encounters had an extremity of sorts matched alongside it somehow or another. Oedipus astuteness all through the play indicated the two his incredible quality and his definitive ruin. All through the play of Oedipus the King by Sophocles, there was proof of incredible polarities as he continued looking for truth extending from distinction and disgrace, and sight and visual impairment, to obliviousness and information. The most repulsive of the circumstances was when Oedipus incredible distinction transformed bruptly into disgrace upon himself and his realm. His popularity stick from him alleviating the city of Thebes of the plague that so since quite a while ago impeded them by the Sphinx. When Oedipus settled the Sphinxs puzzle, driving her to her definitive self destruction, he got the crown because of his chivalrous deed. The entire realm worshiped him and would be revolted when they discovered reality. This came about when it was understood that Oedipus prescience that he left Corinth to get away, really materialized. The way that he executed his introduction to the world dad and wedded his mom brought him extraordinary disgrace. With this disgrace came different things. In spite of the fact that Oedipus could truly observe, he was blinded by the way that he didn't have the foggiest idea about the dull truth that was drifting around him. At the point when his sight was given to him, he didn't have the foggiest idea how to respond, and along these lines truly removed it from himself. The disgrace was excessively extraordinary for him to suffer so by intentionally blinding himself, he imagined that would be an adequate discipline. Oedipus was unconscious of his existence so when this unpleasant news was drawn out into the open, he required some approach to help his misery and did as such in a boisterous way. We will compose a custom article test on Oedipus Obstacles explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Oedipus Obstacles explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Oedipus Obstacles explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Oedipus numbness came legitimately from the way that he had no honest information on who he truly was. He had left Corinth to get away from the opportunity of letting the prediction work out as expected, yet unbeknownst to him, it would materialize as a result of his takeoff. The past information that Oedipus accepted about him being from Corinth permitted him to thrive and turn into a profoundly decent ruler. This numbness that he had was the reason for the entirety of the bulky issues he suffered all through the play. Oedipus dependence of his keenness both supported him and at last drove him to is ruin. On the off chance that all else were void, the astuteness that Oedipus retained permitted him to be a darling ruler venerated by the individuals of Thebes. All things considered, his acumen was the apparatus that permitted him to ease the city of Thebes from the plague. At the point when everybody really got mindful of reality, Oedipus couldn't understand his newly discovered astuteness and performed and demonstration of self-mutilation. It prompted his significant other (and mother) murdering herself, him being ousted from Thebes never to see him youngsters again, and surrendering his crown to somebody who didn't need the duty of a ruler. These incredible polarities that Oedipus looked on his Journey for reality demonstrated the quick alternate extremes he suffered during the different encounters. Generally had occasions help shape a people character yet these tough situations were a lot for anybody to deal with. In spite of the fact that he was a very good pioneer, at long last the negatives exceeded the entirety of the positives introduced by Oedipus. At the point when the entirety of the riddles pieces onto his family and realm. With a man who didn't need any sort of royal obligations taking his seat, I don't perceive how things could improve.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sentencing Prison and Considerable Discretion Essay Example

Condemning: Prison and Considerable Discretion Essay Condemning CJA 234 Sentencing is legitimately attached to discipline and we see that the state and government concede to five destinations that a discipline is planned to get a wrongdoer. The five goals are debilitation, prevention, compensation, reprisal, restoration, contingent upon the watchfulness of the Judge and the conditions encompass how the wrongdoing was submitted the sentence will be in the midst of at achieving one of these. Here is the means by which the five destinations work: 1. Weakening: is intended to expel the guilty party from society accordingly evacuating the chance to carry out violations or arm, or execution of the wrongdoer for very gross and awful wrongdoings. 2. Prevention: as others are rebuffed and condemned to fines and imprisonment for wrongdoings, others will be hindered from carrying out those violations or comparative ones. 3. Compensation: This spotlights on the way that a guilty party has wronged the person in question and should pay for his activity either in a detainment sentence or administration to the network. In common case this implies the violator will pay a court concluded add up to the person in question. 4. Retaliation: This is the method of the old world and best showed in the Hammurabis Code. This is tit for tat; a guilty party ought to be rebuffed for what he did whether that is with his life or with hard work. 5. Restoration: This is generally regular in our detainment facilities today, endeavoring to treat the wrongdoer by either giving them aptitudes to be gainful residents or treating an enthusiastic sustenance. The objective for this is to treat and discharge a profitable resident back to society. We will compose a custom paper test on Sentencing: Prison and Considerable Discretion explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Sentencing: Prison and Considerable Discretion explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Sentencing: Prison and Considerable Discretion explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Influences of Sentencing on Corrections Sentencing legitimately influences the whole remedial framework in any case in the event that it state or government, this is because of the way that sentences given to blameworthy wrongdoers are served in orrectional establishments or under the oversight of restorative organizations. On the off chance that condemning is merciful, at that point you will see that rectification framework will have a lower number of detainees and customers, yet when the condemning is harasser you will see gigantic increments in jail populace and with the customers in remedial that we see either at the state or government level will legitimately prompt more guilty parties carrying out longer or required punishments. As best depicted in our perusing The first is the Judicial type of condemning, wherein Judges are allowed significant caution in condemning choices. Under this structure, correctional codes make wide scopes of llowable sentences for every wrongdoing; permit Judges to conclude whether to concede a sentence of probation or imprisonment; and, if sending the guilty party to jail, characterize an expansive scope of the time allotment to be served. The second is the regulatory type of condemning, which awards significant prudence to authorities of the official part of government. This remembers jail authorities for the honor of good time and parole load up individuals in deciding when prisoners will be discharged. All the more as of late, the administrative type of condemning has come to rule condemning across numerous states and the government. This methodology gives the greater part of the circumspection to the authoritative part of government; administrative bodies make punitive codes with determinate sentences and little (or no) carefulness accessible to Judges. Authoritative types of condemning incorporate compulsory least sentences, hypothetical condemning, and the utilization of condemning rules. (Seiter 2011). The prudence providing for either Judges or administrative branch on condemning has been found as of late as we as a whole know the over populace in California detainment facilities has gain the consideration of the central government. Because of extreme on recurrent perp enactment that had been assed we see that condemning essentials were set higher for recurrent wrongdoers making jail populace detonate, this is a clear case of how condemning influences detainment facilities in general. Condemning Models There are numerous contemplations on how condemning ought to and ought not be done and controlled, so we see that there are numerous models people hold to. The most well-known models are determinate and uncertain condemning which are the ones broadly utilized by both state and government courts. Uncertain sentences mix the choice by the condemning Judge and a later choice by a discharge power to etermine the real time served. At the hour of condemning, Judges sentence wrongdoers to uncertain sentences, with a base and greatest measure of time to be served (for instance, two to five years or ten to twenty years). In the wake of serving the base term, guilty parties are qualified to be discharged and their cases are audited by a parole board Determinate sentences will be sentences of fixed terms. Guilty parties are qualified for discharge following the finishing of an opportunity to be served (for instance, five years). Determinate sentences are not assessed by anyone and guilty parties are not liable to discharge by parole sheets. At the point when guilty parties total their sentence terms, they are discharged. Determinate sentences were utilized all through the eighteenth century in the United States. Condemning Judges were accepted to have the most educated information regarding guilty parties and the measure of time expected to rebuff them and deflect them from further wrongdoings. Along these lines, Judges were allowed significant watchfulness in deciding the recommended sentence. (Seiter 2011). As we find in this segment from the perusing that uncertain sentence give a mix of carefulness both to the Judge and rather the board that will audit a wrongdoer for elease, while determinate sentences offer no such squirm room and are sentences that must be served in full. The model that I feel is most suitable is the conscious demonstration of individual intentionally abusing the law and cause mischief or loss of opportunity to another person. I feel that if crooks and wrongdoers realized that they would be condemned rapidly and need to carry out a hard punishment in full they would choose not to perpetrate the wrongdoing. I feel this is on the grounds that profession lawbreakers have been in and out of the framework and they realize that in the event that they do certain things when a ndeterminate model is utilized they can get discharged before if that basic come or claim to be fruitful in programs while in jail. This has breed a bit of jail culture in the way that guilty parties carry out wrongdoing with the foresight that on the off chance that they cooperate and act in jail they will just carry out a small amount of the punishment that is given to them. The ultimate objective of our jail ought to be to have a recidivism pace of zero percent and to locate a viable method of achieving this and I emphatically feel that if a determinate model is completely implemented we can push ahead towards that objective.

Friday, August 21, 2020

When to Use Palate, Palette, and Pallet

When to Use Palate, Palette, and Pallet The things sense of taste, palette, and bed are homophones: they are articulated correspondingly however have various implications. The thing sense of taste alludes to the top of the mouth or the feeling of taste.The thing palette alludes to a craftsmen paint board or a scope of colors.The thing bed is a straw-filled sleeping pad or a hard bed. Models Egypts senior excavator as of late found that King Tutankhamen was brought into the world with a congenital fissure and a clubfoot.Walt Disneys Pinocchio marched the studios early flawlessness of the animation structure: unobtrusive character outline, a rich shading palette, and an inside information on childhood traumas.In one of the more offensive fantasies, monstrosities slash off the legs and arms of a lady to make her body fit a pallet.Percy Painter, a promising however poor portraitist, may conceivably benefit were he to get, maybe obtain, (1) a copious supporter with a sense of taste for likeness, (2) a palette with colors appropriately prepared, and (3) a pretty individual pleasingly arranged to present agreeably on his irrelevant bed. (Robert Oliver Shipman, A Pun My Word: A Humorously Enlightened Path to English Usage. Rowman Littlefield, 1991)

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

College essay topics to write about Legal Source - Free Essay Example

Wikipedia has been known to be an internet link that has helped various individuals in their research but it is not acceptable for law research and essays. This essay will show the brief history of Wikipedia, the reasons for and against Wikipedia being used as a source for essays especially law essays and it will also go further to show and discuss links that can be substituted for legal research and law essays, comparisons will also be made. To begin with Wikipedia is an internet source where all sorts of information can be gotten from either for research or just to obtain knowledge for general purposes. Wikipedia was formally launched on the 15th of January, 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger but its technological and conceptual underpinnings predate this[1]. The earliest known proposal for an online encyclopedia was made by Rick Gates in 1993, but the concept of a free online encyclopedia was proposed by Richard Stallman in December 2000.[2] In 2001, the license for Nupedia was changed to GFDL, and Wales and Sanger launched Wikipedia using the concept and technology of a wiki pioneered in 1995 by Ward Cunningham[3]. Initially, Wikipedia was intended to complement Nupedia, an online encyclopedia project edited only by experts providing additional draft articles and ideas for it. In practice, Wikipedia overtook Nupedia, becoming a global project in multiple languages and inspiring a wide range of other online reference projects.[4] As of April 2014, Wikipedia includes over 31.2 million freely usable articles in 287 languages that have been written by over 45 million registered u sers and numerous anonymous contributors worldwide.[5] One of the major reasons Wikipedia can be considered as good source for research is that all the information that can be found on Wikipedia is referenced which gives the researcher various links to look up the particular topic that is being researched. Wikipedia is also free for all to use online. Articles are often added quickly and, as a result, coverage of current events and new technology in particular is quite extensive. Printed encyclopedias can take years to add new entries and those entries may not cover a topic in as exhaustive detail as those in Wikipedia.[6] Wikipedia is also easy to use and it is easy to comprehend given the fact that it can be translated into different languages that people are most comfortable with which is one of the reasons it is being used worldwide. Not only this but the articles found in Wikipedia are extensive, comprehensive and most times may not be gotten from any other links which is wh y students may be tempted to use Wikipedia for their research. Never the less Wikipedia is not an advisable website for research especially law and legal research. This is so because most of the information gotten from Wikipedia could be edited by anyone which could put the person carrying out a research at an high risk of getting wrong facts and information. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, has recently stressed that Wikipedia may not be suitable for academic uses, saying, It is pretty good, but you have to be careful with it. Its good enough knowledge, depending on what your purpose is.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [7] This statement that was made by Jimmy Wales shows that Wikipedia is unreliable and it is not all the information in Wikipedia that should be taken into consideration. Apart from this Wikipedia is open to spam and vandalism if not properly managed which is another disadvantage[8]. As a result of these disadvantages different links have been given to student s, paralegals, attorneys, librarians, law researchers and teachers to serve as an alternative link for legal and law research, some of these links are Lexis, Bloomberg, Justis, BAILII, Westlaw and Eagle-i. Lexis and Westlaw are the two biggest in subscription legal database and have been the two rival legal database providers in the US since the mid 1970s[9]. Lexis was launched in UK in 1980 while Westlaw was launched in 2000.[10]Unlike Wikipedia the information gotten from Lexis are reliable because it is academic and the full text law database covers scores of thousands of reported and unreported cases from the following jurisdictions: England and Wales, 1900; Scotland, 1944; Northern Ireland, 1945; European Court of Justice, all cases.[11]Westlaw also serves the same purpose as Lexis which are (i) includes all cases from the law reports back to 1865[12], (ii) contains full text of cases from 19 other series of UK and EU law reports, as well as the full text of all UK and EU le gislation.[13] In addition to this both lexis and Westlaw provide users with a version of the CELEX database of EU legislation and case law; both systems use the standard CELEX groupings which are treaties, legislation, preparatory acts, cases, national implementation and parliamentary questions.[14] Another advantage of lexis and Westlaw is that they both provide users with the Boolean and natural language search. Both systems offer a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“quick searchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  option, providing search forms (templates) for the most frequently used a UK database[15] which makes it easier for individuals to use. Apart from this, lexis also provides non-legal information to users which could help the individual broaden the search and expand their knowledge. The non-legal material can consist of UK newspaper files. Not only this but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Westlaw has the great advantage of access to the Sweet Maxwell Current Law index digest system, so that an already sophisticated apparatu s of summaries and cross-referencing could be combined with the Windows / internet hyper linking feature to produce a very powerful research toolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [16] BAILII which is the British and Irish Legal Information Institute is another good website that students are advised to use for law essays and legal research. BAILII provides free internet access to British and Irish legal material[17] to individuals; it also provides free internet access to legal materials of England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland[18]. As at March 6th 2000 BAILII includes 14 databases covering 5 jurisdictions.[19] Not only this, but it also contains up to 400 megabytes of legal materials and over 75,000 searchable documents with about 2 million hypertext links.[20] BAILII provides a unique service and is a full and challenging alternative to other legal databases, providing access without payment or password.[21] Apart from this, BAILIIà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s search mechanisms provide r eal advantages for practitioners, researchers, teachers and students. To take one example, it is worth looking at the recent extended Sphere Drake Insurance Plc Anor v The Orion Insurance Company Plc [1999] EWHC 286 (QB) judgment and comparing it to that same reported judgment on other systems. On BAILII the whole text is there, formatted and with all the appendices as attachments.[22] 1 [1] History of Wikipedia, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [accessed 6th April, 2014] [2] History of Wikipedia, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [accessed 6th April, 2014] [3] History of Wikipedia, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [accessed 6th April, 2014] [4] History of Wikipedia, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [accessed 6th April, 2014] [5] History of Wikipedia, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia [accessed 6th April, 2014] [6] Limitations and advantages of Wikipedia, General research guide [accessed 6th April, 2014] [7] Limitations and advantages of Wikipedia, General research guide [accessed 6th April, 2014] [8] Advantages and Disadvantages- wikieducator [accessed 6th April, 2014] [9] The Big Match- Lexis v Westlaw, Paul Norman [ac cessed 6th April, 2014] [10] The Big Match-Lexis v Westlaw, Paul Norman [accessed 6th April, 2014] [11] LAW- DATABASES, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [12] LAW- DATABASES, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [13] LAW- DATABASES, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [14] The Big Match- Lexis v Westlaw, Paul Norman [accessed 7th April, 2014] [15] The Big Match- Lexis v Westlaw, Paul Norman [accessed 7th April, 2014] [16] The Big Match- Lexis v Westlaw, Paul Norman [accessed 7th April, 2014] [17] Bailii, digital library, University of Leicester, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [18] Bailii: the cream of legal datasets, UK Centre for Legal Education, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [19]Bailii, digital library, University of Leicester, https://w [accessed 7th April, 2014] [20] Bailii, digital library, University of Leicester, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [21] Bailii: the cream of legal datasets, UK Centre for Legal Education, [accessed 7th April, 2014] [22]Bailii: the cream of legal datasets, UK Centre for Legal Education, [accessed 7th April, 2014]

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Nursing and Healthcare English Vocabulary

Here is a list of some of the most important English vocabulary items for the nursing and healthcare industry. This selection of vocabulary is based on the Occupational Handbook provided by the United States Department of Labor. Each vocabulary item includes the appropriate part of speech to help with usage.   After the list, youll find tips to help you further improve vocabulary related to healthcare. Top Nursing and Healthcare Vocabulary Accelerated  - (adjective)Accredited  - (adjective)Acute  - (adjective)Adequate  - (adjective)Administer  - (verb)Administered  - (adjective)Administration  - (noun)Adn- (acronym)Advance  - (noun / verb)Advice  - (noun)Agency  Ã‚  - (noun)Aide  Ã‚  - (noun)Ambulatory  - (noun)Anatomy  - (noun)Anesthesia  - (noun)Anesthetist  - (noun)Approved  - (adjective)Assist  - (verb)Assistance  - (noun)Assistant  - (noun)Bathing  - (adjective)Blood  - (noun)Board  - (noun)Bsn- (acronym)Cancer  - (noun)Care  - (noun / verb)Career  - (noun)Care for  Ã‚  - (verb)Center  Ã‚  - (noun)Certified  - (adjective)Clinical  - (adjective)Clinic  - (noun)Communication  Ã‚  - (noun)Condition  Ã‚  - (noun)Consulting  - (noun)Continuing  - (adjective)Council  - (noun)Credentialing  - (noun)Critical  - (adjective)Demand  - (noun / verb)Determine  Ã‚  - (verb)Diabetes  - (noun)Diagnoses  - (noun)Diagnostic  - (adjective)Difficultyà ‚  - (noun)Diploma  - (noun)Disability  - (noun)Disease  - (noun)Disorder  Ã‚  - (noun)District  - (noun)Dressing  - (adjective)Duty  Ã‚  - (noun)Educational  - (noun)Elderly  - (adverb)Eligibility  - (noun)Emergency  - (noun)Emotional  - (adjective)Entry  - (noun)Environment  - (noun)Exam  - (noun)Examination  - (noun)Facilities  - (noun)Facility  - (noun)Faculty  - (noun)Follow  - (verb)Formally  - (adverb)Geriatrics  - (noun)Gerontology  - (noun)Health  - (noun)Hold - (verb)Hospital  - (noun)Illness  - (noun)Increase  - (noun / verb)Infectious  - (adjective)Injection  Ã‚  - (noun)Injury  - (noun)Internal  - (adjective)Junior  - (noun)Laboratory  - (noun)Level  - (noun)License  - (noun)Licensed  - (adjective)Licensure  - (noun)Lpns- (acronym)Manage  - (verb)Medical  - (adjective)Medication  - (noun)Medicine  - (noun)Member  Ã‚  - (noun)Mental  - (adjective)Midwife  - (noun)Monitor  - (noun / verb)Monitoring  - (adjective)Msn- (acronym)Nature  - (noun)Nclex- (acronym)Neonatology  - (noun)Nurse  - (noun)Nursing  - (noun)Nutrition  - (noun)Obtain  - (verb)Offer  - (noun / verb)Office  - (noun)Oncology  - (noun)Order  - (noun / verb)Outpatient  - (noun)Pass  - (verb)Path  Ã‚  - (noun)Patient  - (noun)Pediatrics  - (noun)Pharmacology  - (noun)Physical  - (adjective)Physician  - (noun)Physiology  - (noun)Plan  - (noun / verb)Planning  - (adjective)Postoperative  - (adjective)Practical  - (adjective)Practice  - (noun)Practitioners  - (noun)Prenatal  - (adjective)Prepare  - (verb)Prescribe  - (verb)Preventive  - (adjective)Primary  - (adjective)Procedure  Ã‚  - (noun)Program  - (noun / verb)Prospect  Ã‚  - (noun)Provide  - (verb)Provider  - (noun)Psychiatric  - (adjective)Public  - (noun)Qualified  - (adjective)Radiation  - (noun)Rapid  - (adjective)Record  - (noun / verb)Registered  - (adject ive)Rehabilitation  - (noun)Remain  - (verb)Report  - (noun / verb)Residential  - (adjective)Response  - (noun)Retaining  - (adjective)Rn- (acronym)Rns- (acronym)Routine  - (noun)Rural  - (adjective)Scope  - (noun)Section  - (noun)Serve  - (verb)Services  - (noun)Setting  - (noun)Sign  Ã‚  - (noun)Skin  - (noun)Specialist  - (noun)Specialize  - (verb)Specialty  - (noun)Specific  - (adjective)Staff  - (noun)Supervise  Ã‚  - (verb)Supervision  - (noun)Surgeon  - (noun)Surgery  - (noun)Surgical  - (adjective)Team  - (noun)Term  - (noun)Test  - (noun / verb)Therapeutic  - (adjective)Therapy  - (noun)Training  - (noun)Treat  - (verb)Treatment  - (noun)Unit  - (noun) Improving Your Vocabulary Tips Use each word in a sentence both when speaking and writing. Try to use the words in conversations, or just practice by speaking to yourself using the target vocabulary.  After writing each word in a sentence, write some paragraphs describing your own specialty in healthcare or nursing. Which words can you add to the list?Learn synonyms and antonyms by  using an online thesaurus  to further extend your nursing and healthcare vocabulary.  Use a visual dictionary  which will help you learn the names of specific equipment used in healthcare.  Listen to co-workers and note how they use these words. If they use words you dont understand, ask them to explain when they have time.  Search online for information about nursing and healthcare in general. Listen to podcasts on the subject, read a blog about agriculture. Keep informed in English and your knowledge of related vocabulary will grow quickly.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay - 569 Words

Trifles by Susan Glaspell In the short play Trifles,† by Susan Glaspell, various questions and issues originate concerning with the bond between women, the difference between male and female, and what life was like in the early nineteen century for women. In addition, the importance and development of symbols are crucial. Throughout the play, Glaspell uses symbols to further and support Minnie’s isolation and lack of happiness in her life. Although the answers may be evident there is room for guesswork and doubt. The play is cleverly written because we are never introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Wright, to whom the entire dialogue and mystery is surrounding. This lack of the main characters makes it hard to know what really went on and†¦show more content†¦The play is filled with symbols, especially the broken cage and the dead bird, which could have represented Minnie Wright herself, a woman whose zest for life had been squeezed out of her by her tyrant of a husband. The women discuss Minnie ’s life. Mrs. Hale remembered Minnie Wright as a happy, beautiful, gifted young girl before the years of toil and mistreatment by John Wright had turned her into a sad, lonely and perhaps, battered woman (1624). Mrs. Hale was sympathetic because she also was a farm wife but at least, she had her children to keep her company. Mrs. Hale felt guilty that she hadn’t taken the time to visit Minnie Wright but she excused herself saying that their was so much work to do on the farm and the Wright place never looked cheerful. Moreover, we must notice that neighbors were few and far away from each other. Houses were miles apart separated by farmland and rough country; therefore visiting was a daylong trip. In addition, we can presume that the party telephone was a threat to Minnie’s husband growing sense of possession of his wife. He refused by saying that â€Å" folks talked too much anyway, and all he wanted was peace and quiet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Minnie was a caged bird living a very lonely life, with no children, no family except for her husband, and no friends. The cage represents her home, which was found broken. To some, these dreary conditions, might have seemed to lessen people’s pride,Show MoreRelatedTrifles, By Susan Glaspell Essay2136 Words   |  9 Pagesprimarily of a domestic nature. Trifles by Susan Glaspell indicates that a man’s perspective is entirely different from a woman’s. The one-act play, Trifles, is a murder mystery which examines the lives of rural, middle-aged, married, women characters through gender relationships, power between the sexes, and the nature of truth. The play, written in the early 1900s, long before the women’s m ovement and while men considered women their possessions. In the story of Trifles, it is easy to recognize theRead MoreTrifles by Susan Glaspell1158 Words   |  5 PagesAnalytical Essay on Drama Trifles by Susan Glaspell Heidi Barnard South University Trifles’ By Susan Glaspell I believe had several small defining moments leading to the one larger defining moment, which brings together all of them together. The defining moment is the discovery of the dead bird hidden in the pretty red box, this leads back to smaller points such as her sewing and the bird cage. â€Å" Here’s some red. I expect this has got sewing things in it. (Brings out a fancy box.) What aRead MoreTrifles By Susan Glaspell1000 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, the author presents a predominant  theme of women and femininity. This theme reflects upon the underlying message of the play, that women are not treated fairly and are not seen in the same light as men. Susan Glaspell demonstrates the common assumptions made by men towards women in terms of roles and degrading their value/insight. Throughout the play, Glaspell provides many instances to where a woman’s value or insight is degraded. Hale demonstrates thisRead MoreTrifles by Susan Glaspell604 Words   |  2 Pages Trifles by Susan Glaspell is a one-act play that explores the theme of the gender roles and social positions of men and women in early twentieth-century America. The play is loosely based on the true event of the murder of John Hossack which Glaspell reported on while working as a news journalist in Iowa. Years later, she used her experiences and observations to create the play. Trifles is about solving the murder case of farmer John Wright. While Mr. Wright was asleep in the night, someoneRead MoreTrifles, By Susan Glaspell1034 Words   |  5 Pagessay goes. The 1912 play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, who was inspired to write this play from a story she covered as a reporter. A murder case is being held and authorities are getting down to it suspecting a woman of killing her husband in his sl eep. The character Mrs. Hale who is neighbors and friends with Mrs. Peters, the sheriff’s wife and Mrs. Wright, the woman accused of the murder of her Husband, Mr. Wright. The character Mrs. Hale, in the Susan Glaspell s play Trifles, is displayed as a empoweringRead MoreTrifles, By Susan Glaspell Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesSusan Glaspell’s one-act play Trifles is based on the murder investigation of John Wright. Minnie Wright’s isolation and the death of her canary are the major factors that led to the murder of her husband. Glaspell stresses the perceived supremacy of males when investigating the murder by giving the men lead roles in the investigation and by making fun of the â€Å"trifles† that the women are choosing to observe. It is ironic because the ordinary items observed by the women were thought of as â€Å"trifles†Read MoreTrifles : Susan Glaspell s Trifles940 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is a trifle? A trifle is something that ha s little to no importance ( For instance, the color of your nails would be considered a trifle. In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, women are criticized and made fun of by men because of the little things they worry about, such as the color of their nails or their hair. This exhibits the gender role difference portrayed during the play’s time period. The central conflict is what the plot is centered around. In Trifles, the central conflictRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1507 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Trifles† is a one act play written by Susan Glaspell in 1916, which was first performed on August 8th by the Provincetown Players in Provincetown, Massachusetts at the Wharf Theater. The author, Susan Glaspell, was born on July 1, 1876 in Davenport, Iowa. Over her lifetime she had become proficient in many different professions: Playwright, Actress, Novelist, and Journalist. For her works, she won an American Pulitzer Prize in 1931. The Provincetown Players was founded by Susan Glaspell and herRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1732 Words   |  7 PagesSusan Glaspell (1876-1948) was an American-born Pulitzer Prize winning writer of both plays and fiction. Glaspell came from humble beginnings and went on to study at Drake University and the University of Chicago. Much of Glaspell s work dealt with the relationships between men and women and the negative effects they have on women. In Glaspell s play Trifles, it is revealed that the operations of patriarchy are just an illusion that men have created to make themselves feel superior to womenRead MoreTrifles by Susan Glaspell Essay1253 Words   |  6 Pages Susan Glaspell’s most memorable one-act play, Trifles (1916) was based on murder trial case that happened in the 1900’s. Glaspell worked as a reporter, where she appointed a report of a murder case. It was about a farmer, John Hossack who was killed while he was asleep in bed one night. His wife claimed that she was asleep next to him when the attack occurred. No one believed in her statement, she was arrested and was charged on first degree murder. In Trifles, the play takes place at an abandon

Business Research for Assurance and Responsiveness- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research for Assurance and Responsiveness. Answer: Reflection report This research was beneficial to me to gain the understanding about the perceived quality and its influence on customer choices in retail. I have learned that retail manager should create a unique image in the mind of shoppers to get competition benefits in the retail industry. Hence, it was significant for me to understand the purchasing decision of customers (Flanagin, et. al., 2014). As a result, I can make effective marketing strategies to attract more customers and this will improve my professional career. During this research, I have also learned that company should emphasize on differentiated marketing strategies to beat the competition in the retail market. Further, it makes sure the company to effectively run in the existing rivalry. In this way, it has developed my marketing skills as I am competent to build new marketing strategy in an organization. Another thing that I have learned from this research is the quality of products and services. I have pointed that quality is a strategic element to get competitive benefits hence organization should give priority to this strategy. It is also assessed that quality of products facilitates a better position to offer high extent of satisfaction and creating desired loyalty (Subramanian, et. al., 2014). This strategy was effective to me to develop the strategy in an organization to get competitive benefits in long-term. This research has also developed my understanding regarding SERVQUAL dimension which is used to measure the level of service quality. This dimension measures the quality on the basis of different factors named empathy, assurance, responsiveness, tangibles, and reliability (Orel and Kara, 2014). Therefore, it enables me to measure the level of service quality within an organization. During this research, I have also observed that image of the store relies on the entire perception of customers towards the store. Moreover, It is analyzed that can provide a positive experience to customers to build the distinct image in their mind towards the store. This is beneficial to me to create a positive image in customers mind towards the stores in future. I have also developed my knowledge regarding strategies that cannot be replicated by the competitors such as differentiation, and modification in product, service, and price. It is significant for me to develop competitive strategies within an organization. As a result, it will aid me to enhance my professional growth in long term. I have also developed my understanding about two broader concepts such as functional features and psychological features. In this way, I have learned that psychological features represent the belief of the shopper that can be steadily changed by functional level features of the store. Moreover, the functional level of features entails the location, convenience of the store, and layout of the store (Oliver, 2014). These broader concepts are beneficial to me develop a distinct image in the customers mind towards their products and services. From this research, I have learned that consumer behavior is the integration of obtaining the consumers and disposing of the products with utilization as well as delivering services. I have gained an understanding that consumer behavior is the mixture of mental, physical and emotional practices by which people select, purchase, use and dispose of the products and services which can satisfy their desires and needs (Kallweit, et. al., 2014). This concept is effective for me to develop effective strategies due to having depth understanding consumer behavior, as a result, it would enhance my professional growth. During this research, I have also pointed that there are certain non-frequent and frequent shoppers for the existing departmental stores. These consumers can be younger and educated as well as have relatively high level of income. Hence, now I am able to become a good marketing manager within an organization. Moreover, I have analyzed that there are different elements of service quality that has recognized by the customer to assess the effectiveness of value proposition. I have also focused on the research methodology part which was beneficial to assess the information about the perceived quality and its influence on customer choices in retail in a systematic manner. I have also created knowledge about the importance of research question within a research. I have analyzed that research question is used to provide a guiding standard for assessing the appropriate relevant literature as compared to engaging in confusion due to diversity aspects associated with the perception of service quality and preferences of customers (Floyd, et. al., 2014). From the research, I have gained an understanding that process of research design is implemented for building the research methodology. This is used to facilitate the methodological design for resolving the research issue. Consequently, it would be beneficial to develop effective research methodology about the further research issue in future. Under this research, I have pointed that there are different elements that should be included in research methodology named sampling, data collection, research activity, and data analysis (Das, 2014). This would be beneficial to develop the effective research design regarding research issue in future, as a result, it would enhance my professional career. I have also developed my knowledge about different techniques of sampling named probability and non-probability techniques. In this way, I have learned that probability sampling is a process when each participant of the population has an equal opportunity of being selected in the survey thorough questionnaire. Along with this, I have observed that non-probability sampling is depending on the selection of respondent as per the specific precedent (Flanagin, et. al., 2014). These sampling methods were beneficial to enhance my research skills as I am competent to select the participants for getting the information about research issue. From this research, I have built my knowledge regarding data collection method. In this way, I have learned that there are two methods of gathering information named primary and secondary. There are different sources is used to gather the information through these methods. For example, the survey is used to collect the fresh information whereas secondary data can be gathered through different academic journals, academic publication, textbook and online and offline sources. I have also pointed that data analysis is used after collecting the data. In this way, statistical data is used to present the information through different charts, graph, and column diagram. In the last, I have learned that Gantt chart is used to estimate the time schedule for completing the research (Cantallops and Salvi, 2014). Hence, this research is beneficial to me to grow in future due to developing different skills. References Cantallops, A. S., and Salvi, F. (2014) New consumer behavior: A review of research on eWOM and hotels,International Journal of Hospitality Management,36, pp. 41-51. Das, G. (2014) Linkages of retailer awareness, retailer association, retailer perceived quality and retailer loyalty with purchase intention: a study of Indian food retail brands,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(3), pp. 284-292. Flanagin, A. J., Metzger, M. J., Pure, R., Markov, A., and Hartsell, E. (2014) Mitigating risk in e-commerce transactions: perceptions of information credibility and the role of user-generated ratings in product quality and purchase intention,Electronic Commerce Research,14(1), pp. 1-23. Floyd, K., Freling, R., Alhoqail, S., Cho, H. Y., and Freling, T. (2014) How online product reviews affect retail sales: A meta-analysis,Journal of Retailing,90(2), pp. 217-232. Kallweit, K., Spreer, P., and Toporowski, W. (2014) Why do customers use self-service information technologies in retail? The mediating effect of perceived service quality,Journal of retailing and consumer services,21(3), pp. 268-276. Oliver, R. L. (2014)Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. UK: Routledge. Orel, F. D., and Kara, A. (2014) Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(2), pp.118-129. Subramanian, N., Gunasekaran, A., Yu, J., Cheng, J., and Ning, K. (2014) Customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the Chinese E-retailing: Structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to identify the role of quality factors,Expert Systems with Applications,41(1), pp. 69-80.