Friday, February 28, 2020

Extra points Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Extra points - Essay Example Generally typical unlawful immigrant household has only a 10th grade education. Consequently non-immigrants have low paying jobs hence pay less tax. On the other hand most house hold heads of lawful immigrants are well educated. Lawful immigrants headed by well-educated household tend to pay higher taxes that exceed the direct benefits they receive from the government. According to this report, lawful immigrants with college education heads generates a fiscal surplus of approximately$29250 which the government uses to finance the benefits of unlawful immigrants with less education who consequently contribute less taxes leaving the government with huge fiscal deficit. The benefits they receive exceed the taxes they pay to the government. Unlawful migrants unlike lawful migrants do not have access to social security, Medicare and other tested welfare services. However their children benefit from highly subsidized public education, medical benefits and welfare services offered by the go vernment. Unlawful immigrant household heads also benefit from the use of sewers, roads, parks, police, fire and state security. These available resources get overburdened due to congestion effects hence leading to decline of quality of services to be offered to lawful migrants and non-immigrants. It’s assumed by analysts that nearly half of the unlawful immigrants do not pay income or FICA taxes because most of them work â€Å"off the books†. In 2010, the Pew Hispanic Centre estimated children residing in US with unlawful parents to be 5.5 million. Out of this, 4.5 million were born in the US while the remaining 1 million migrated with their parents to the US. They therefore qualify to be legal citizens and are entitled to state welfare and subsidized education. In average, unlawful immigrants have about 3.7 percent of persons in their households as compared to non-immigrant who have 2.7 persons in their households. This indicates that households of unlawful immigrant s are larger than the household of non-immigrants. How has the relative education of unlawful immigrant households changed over time, and how does it compare to the education level of lawful immigrant and non-immigrant households? Data from the NELS indicate that the children of unlawful immigrant’s households will improve more than the educational levels of their parents. However 18 percent of these children are likely to drop out of school without even a high school degree while about 13 percent are likely to graduate with a college degree. The rest will either attain high qualification or some college training school. College graduates with degrees need to be improved to 30 percent to match with the levels of lawful immigrants and non-immigrants. In assessing the distribution of government benefits and costs, the study uses 6 categories of benefits/expenditures. Briefly describe what is in each category Government benefits and services are distributed into six categories a s follows: Direct benefits - : This involves the cost of services offered to the citizens or the direct cash transfer. They include the costs of Medicare services, unemployment insurance, workers compensation and social security. It’s calculated on the per capita of the Medicare cost that the government spends on its citizens. Means-tested benefit - : These are welfare costs that are channeled

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Policing Functions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Policing Functions Paper - Essay Example Commonly to gain many duties these standards/levels and organizations work together. Whilst every level of law enforcement has its personal obligations and methods, there functions have quality of comparison (Dempsey and Forst‎, 2011). The occupation of law enforcement officers are commonly for police officers who arrest the felons and investigate felony. One significant view is to settle the functions are the organizations/agencies of police. The structure of functions are enforcing the laws, seizing the offenders, obstruct the crime, at the time of need provide the service and maintain the peace. The government made enforcing the law sometimes comprises to arrest the criminals and maintain the peace in those results. It can help to maintain the peace in future by preventing the crimes. The main function of the agencies of police contain law enforcement, arresting criminals, stopping crime, maintain command and equipping other services to the citizens at the time of need. Most of these functions can tally with one another. Like a sample when enforcing the laws, to arrest the criminal by officers is a demand, hat is the results of maintaining the command. These functions successively help to stop the crime in future. The government of federal preserves different agencies of law enforcement with the aim of dealing with trouble spreading over lines of state and pretending territory of the country, if not the integrity of the United States. The agencies of federal law enforcement contain the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and Border Patrol. These agencies treat with problems like immigration, sales of drug and its importation, rule of weaponry and dangers to native security like terrorism. Agencies of federal law enforcement have competence on the agencies of local and state. The department of local police is the extremely usual