Monday, December 30, 2019

The Iliad, by Homer - 980 Words

The Iliad written by Homer in the days of Ancient Greece has become one of the most epic poems of all time. It is a poem that has been debated for centuries. Within the tale of Achilles and the wrath of war lies a magnificent object that is shortly mentioned in Book 18. The brief section in Book XVIII, lines 505-660, described the shield that Achilles would carry into battle. However, it also tells us something about the nature of Achilles and his heroic image full of rage and anger. In order to understand the significance of the Shield of Achilles, one must closely look within the different layers of the shield itself. Each layer of the shield symbolizes apart of the story at large. Even though its fragment within the poem is†¦show more content†¦Another essential layer of the shield was the King’s estate. Book XVIII describes the King’s estate as reapers working in the harvest field preparing for the delicious meal ahead. The image of a vineyard loaded w ith grapes and as beautiful as gold creating this wealthy and pleasant environment. Homer’s idea of the King’s estate closely resembles the representation of Agamemnon. Agamemnon is described in the Iliad as the King of the Achaeans, while Achilles is the best warrior of the Achaeans. Homer begins to foreshadow the fall of Troy in expresses this estates full of peace and joy. The imagery that Homer expresses throughout The Iliad only becomes glorified when the shield of Achilles is forged. Homer portrays the images on the shield as the story of Achilles as well as foreshadowing the outcome at the end of The Iliad. The Iliad is known mainly for the glorification of war as well as the rage of Achilles. The shield naturally not only symbolizes the rage and passion for war shown through Achilles, but his ultimate downfall. While forging the shield, Hephaestus wanted to help Achilles in seeking revenge for Patroclus death. Though, he knew that just because he forged one of the greatest shields ever made doesn’t been that it will spare his life. Throughout a majority of The Iliad, we see this denial of salvation from the Gods interfering within human existence. Hephaestus couldn’t favor Achilles in sparing hisShow MoreRelatedThe Iliad By Homer1654 Words   |  7 Pages The Iliad is a collection of poems by Homer describing the 10-year siege on Troy by Greeks in what is now famously referred to as the Trojan War. Several Greek and Trojan characters are worth a special mention in these Homeric poems because of the roles they played in the battles before the war was won, how they conducted themselves to help eventually win the war for their side. This paper specifically investigates the writings in the Homeric poems to look are important in the overall text. TheRead MoreThe Iliad By Homer892 Words   |  4 Pages The Iliad by Homer depicts the great struggle by Agamemnon and the Greeks to take the mighty city state of Troy and return Helen to her rightful husband, Menelaus. While many ponder if the war actually happened, or why the gods always seemed to be more human than humans themselves, few ask the key but often overlooked question; why is Agamemnon the leader of the Greeks in the first place? What happened that put him in charge of the Greek forces? Why does there seem to be an underlying resentmentRead MoreThe Iliad By Homer2007 Words   |  9 PagesThe Iliad is a collection of poems written by Homer describing the 10-year siege of the city of Troy by Greeks in what is now famously known as the Trojan War. Several characters stand out in the series of poems because of the roles they played in the war, how they behaved and the acts they took to help eventually win the war for the Greeks (then known as Akhaians). This paper specif ically investigates the writings in Books two, four, thirteen, sixteen and seventeen and why the events in these booksRead MoreThe Iliad, by Homer855 Words   |  4 PagesIn Homers epic Iliad, the poet emphasizes the control of the gods in the war he describes. He creates literary devices around these well-known deities to illustrate their role in the action, conveying to his audience that this war was not just a petty conflict between two men over a woman, but a turbulent, fiery altercation amongst the gods. To an audience which had likely lost their fathers, brothers, or husbands to the Trojan War, it would be a welcome relief to hear that the whole affair wasRead MoreThe Iliad by Homer1383 Words   |  6 Pageswas, in fact, useful. Aristotle agreed with Plato that literature induces undesirable emotions, but he stated that it only does so in an attempt to purge us of these harmful sentiments, a process which he termed â€Å"catharsis†. The events in Homer’s Ilia d, while used by both Plato and Aristotle to defend their theories about literature, lend themselves to the defense of Aristotle’s ideas more so than Plato’s. Specifically, the juxtaposition of Achilleus’s intense lamentation with the portrayal of Hephaistos’sRead MoreThe Iliad By Homer2191 Words   |  9 PagesThe Iliad By Homer was created in the late 5th-early 6th century A.D. This Epic was a best seller, but the publishing date and publisher is unknown, due to the story being so old. The Iliad is around 576 pages long. Some facts that have to do with the Iliad that are not well knows include the name Homer resembling the greek word for â€Å"hostage.† Also, taking place after the events of the Iliad, Aeneas supposedly survives the war and goes on to become the founder of roman culture. Going on to a differentRead MoreIliad by Homer1216 Words   |  5 Pagesin Homer’s Iliad, to be a hero is to be â€Å"publicly recognized for ones valour on the battlefield† and to have a prize with it (Sale). In other words, a hero is someone who fights for his own fame and glory. However, the modern perception of a hero is quite different. A hero is someone who do not endeavor to become a hero, but someone who act in admirable ways, often for the better of everyone else. The modern concept of heroism is what defines a true hero. Achilles is a hero in the Iliad, because ofRead MoreThe Iliad Of The Homer s Iliad Essay1475 Words   |  6 PagesThe Iliad ranks as one of the most important and most influential works in terms of world literatures since its establishment. Between the underlying standard to which the Iliad offers us as audience members, along with the plethora of writers that have followed in the footsteps to which Homer’s Iliad paved, the impact that the Iliad has played is remarkable in itself. While the Iliad can be credited for much of present day literature we study today, Hollywood can be created for the plethora ofRead More The Iliad of Homer Essay711 Words   |  3 Pages When analyzing the Greek work the Iliad, Homer procures an idealistic hero with an internal conflict, which questions the values of his society and the Greek Heroic Code. The Greek Heroic Code includes respect, honor, and requirements to procure an exorbitant image. To be considered a Greek hero you must meet the perquisites and fulfill all of the aspects of the code. Achilleus was deemed a hero, he was the strongest and swiftest of the Achieans. Achilleus lived up to all of these aspects untilRead MoreThe Iliad, By Homer1141 Words   |  5 PagesThe Iliad, along with the Odyssey, is one of two epics handed down through the Homeric tradition in the Greek Dark Ages, considered by many to be the Heroic Age. However, the key issue lies with the fact that ancient Greeks define a ‘hero’ very differently from what we would consider a ‘hero’ to be today. In ancient Greece, a hero is any human descended from the gods and bequeathed with superhuman abilities. By thi s definition, Achilles is immediately classified as a hero, no matter his actions.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Story Of An Hour Critical Analysis - 824 Words

Kate Chopins 1894 short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour† shows the main character Louise Mallards emotional roller coaster with the incorrect knowledge of her husbands untimely demise from a train wreck. This short story dives deep into the gender inequality of the time using the gingerly way the family informs her of her husbands demise due to what the writer refers to as heart trouble, to her sister’s reaction to Louise exclaiming â€Å"Free! Body and soul free!† (151). Kate Chopin places you in in Louise’s chair, forcing the reader to empathize and interpret her feelings rather than explicitly stating what the woman is going through. Leaving the information ambiguous about who or what is her oppressor allows the reader to infer as to what†¦show more content†¦Kate goes into great detail about Louise’s hands, â€Å"as powerless as her two white slender hands† (151) eluding the reader that she had no ability to stop herself from r eacting to this knowledge of the situation giving her a dainty feel until her great awaking. When she starts looking out the open window it allows her to think more than just about the now, a but about the pull of freedom that up to this point she never has. This idea leads to the reader to believe that there isn’t so much of an issue of the husband oppressing her but of self-suppression. Her instant reaction of weeping rather than the pose as other woman of the time would have done by wondering how she would carry on shows may \be more of an emotional reaction to her marriage. As I read this short story there is definite tones of self-oppression and or societal pressures on this woman more than her husband that has placed this on her. Kate’s personal life becomes prevalent in this story because of her strong female role models in her mother and grandmother acted allowed her to break away from held beliefs of the day. The writer left husbandless with young children but also left fatherless left her to not only to grow up learning that women can support themselves that it can lead to a for filing life. This shows when Louise is â€Å"drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window† (151) dreaming about the future unencumbered by the man at that point she saw as a weight on herShow MoreRelatedStory Of An Hour Critical Analysis1083 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Story of an Hour† Everyone has lost a loved one or has seen and experienced a situation in which another person has lost their loved one. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin, published in 1894, details that moment in a womans life when her world is shattered and the process of self-consciousness begins. Louise Mallard, wife of Richard Mallard, a successful businessman. Louise Mallard is a woman ahead of her time, by the standards of the 1890’s she should be happy. Her husband loves her;Read MoreStory Of An Hour Critical Analysis797 Words   |  4 PagesChopin’s goes in depth on several complex issues involving the females role in marriage. The story was originally published in 1894 a time when marriage was define by the man. A female transitioned from being a daughter into an arranged marriage, this was a normal routine for most young women at the time. Leaving women with a lack of independence and much confusion regarding their marriage. The main character faces confl icting emotions at the reveal of her husbands death. She is then overtakenRead MoreStory Of An Hour Critical Analysis1651 Words   |  7 Pagescontext clues so readers can establish where the story is taken place. Literatures can give away great pieces of information where readers are able to connect the past time periods to the current time period. The nineteenth- century is all about the controversial standards for women. Author Kate Chopin writes literatures about women during the nineteenth century. One of her stories show a glimpse of the modern-day standards for women. â€Å"Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin is about a woman name Ms. MallardRead MoreStory Of An Hour Critical Analysis1123 Words   |  5 Pagesfeminist author who, composing a plethora of short stories, poems, and novels, played a large role in revolutionizing how society views and treats women in relation to men. Although she did not live to experience women’s suffrage or many of the other laws th at protect women’s rights today, her role in realizing them was invaluable (Harris 461). When viewed through a feminist lens, one of Chopin’s most famous short stories, â€Å"The Story of an Hour,† provides insight into how women of the nineteenthRead MoreStory Of An Hour Critical Analysis770 Words   |  4 PagesChopin’s short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour (1894),† portrays that the confinements placed on women due to gender roles was unjust. Chopin illustrates this through the progression of Mrs. Mallards emotions and thoughts after learning of her husbands supposed death, as well as alluding to their form of marriage. Chopins purpose is to point out how unjust woman were treated in society in order to bring about change on such treatment. Given the time period, Chopin dedicated her short story to women andRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour Critical Analysis Essay1184 Words   |  5 PagesThe Story of an hour written by Kate Chopin is the best s hort-story because theme, characters, point of view, and style show the attitude that some women felt or may feel regarding marriage being repressive in their life and a longing for freedom. The story opens with Mrs. Mallard’s sister Josephine informing her that her husband has been killed. Because of Mrs. Mallard’s heart condition Josephine and Richards, who is a friend of the family and there to help deliver the news, are concerned with howRead More Critical Analysis of Mrs. Mallards Emotions in The Story of an Hour679 Words   |  3 PagesWrite a critical analysis of any aspect of The Story of an Hour which you found of interest and significance. Kate Chopins `The Story of an Hour is a short yet complex piece describing the feelings of Mrs Mallard. This story is overflowing with symbolism and imagery. The most prominent theme here is the longing for freedom. Chopin focuses on unfolding the emotional state of Mrs Mallard which can be separated into three stages: quickly moving to grief, through a sense of newfound freedom, andRead MoreKate Chopin The Story of an Hour Critical Analysis Essay1377 Words   |  6 PagesSelf-Identity, Freedom, and Death in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† The story of an hour by Kate Chopin introduces us to Mrs. Mallard as she reacts to her husband’s death. In this short story, Chopin portrays the complexity of Mrs. Mallard’s emotions as she is saddened yet joyful of her loss. Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† argues that an individual discover their self-identity only after being freed from confinement. The story also argues that freedom is a very powerful force thatRead MoreKate Chopin s The Hour1361 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the greatest concerns of critics who have analyzed â€Å"The Story of the Hour† has been whether or not Mrs. Mallard was oppressed in her marriage or if she was depressed due to the lack of time she and her husband spent together. Time plays a crucial role in the story, from the time they have spent together, to the period of the story, and to the short time in which the story takes place. â€Å"The Story of the Hour,† is a story written by feminist aut hor, Kate Chopin in 1894 that deals with maritalRead MoreLiterary Perspectives1379 Words   |  6 Pagesconfines of the text itself. Poetry, in particular, as well as drama and fiction lend themselves well as genres to the â€Å"close reading† involved in the formalist technique. Formalists might approach Kate Chopin’s â€Å" The Story of an Hour†(15) by analyzing the ironic ending of the story. Mrs. Mallard suddenly dies of a heart attack, not because her husband has died in a horrific train crash but because she has learned that he is very much alive. The disparate nature between what is expected to transpire

Friday, December 13, 2019

Tomorrow, When the war began film study Free Essays

string(80) " pulls up at Else’s there is a very strong sense that something is wrong\." The Opening The film begins with a close up shot of Elli speaking to the camera. It Is obvious that this footage was taken at the end of the story, as she has cuts on her face and she looks dirty. Elli says that they’re not going to hold back. We will write a custom essay sample on Tomorrow, When the war began film study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Recording it like that is so important to them; it’s a way of telling themselves that they still matter. The video diary is a great way to start the film as it explains the voice-over throughout the rest of the film as well as putting the audience In suspense. The footage Is of poor quality and on a smaller screen, so It Is a very obvious Jump In time when Elli takes the Tory back to the beginning. From what we see, It Is obvious that Elli has grown up on a farm. She is independent and very capable. Elli rides her motorbike to see her best mate, Carrie. On the way to Corrine’s house there is a sequence of shots. The first is a shot of a dirt road and a sign welcoming people to Wearied. This tells us that Elli lives out of town. Elli is smiling and waving at the people in town. We see a lawnmower; a garbage truck and a banner advertising the annual Australia Day show at the show grounds. We also see the Chinese Restaurant and the Dentists across the dad. There is a shot of people setting up at the show grounds, then an establishment shot of Corrine’s house. This sequence demonstrates the balance. Every aspect of the motorbike sequence is important as they all come into the story later Retelling the story The film opens with a close up shot of Elli, which was obviously taken post-war. She has a cut on her forehead and she looks tired and dirty. Elli talks about how the group feels by the end of the film, which puts the audience in suspense to know how it all happened. Elli says she’s going to tell the story from the beginning. This explains the voice-over throughout the film. Carrie and Elli are childhood friends. They want to go camping before school goes back. Carrie wants to go further up the river than they’ve ever been before, maybe all the way into Hell. Elli says she’ll ask her dad for the Landholder. After finally convincing her parents, Elli talks to Carrie about who they should invite. Kevin, Corrine’s boyfriend, is a definite and they decide to take Homer as well. Homer grew up on the farm next to Else’s, so he’s almost like a brother. Homer wants to invite Fl. When we first meet If she is in a beauty salon Ewing pampered. It’s Ironic that Homer and Fl end up liking each other, as they are from different worlds. Homer Is very rebellious and proud of his Creek heritage. The next character that is introduced is Lee. It was Else’s choice to invite him. She describes him as interesting. Lee works in the Chinese restaurant that his parents own. Lee made six, but Else’s dad said they had to have eight. Eventually they compromised on seven, as long as Robin was the seventh. Robin comes from a very strictly religious family. There Is a hilarious scene of Robin asking for her Father’s permission to go camping. They seem to be In his office. The room Is dimly 11th and the opposite side of the desk to her father. Elli and Carrie look like they are trying very hard not to laugh. The three girls are looking very well presented. This displays Robin’s character well. She is trustworthy and responsible, but cheeky. She is saying what she knows her Dad will agree to. The next shot is the seven teenagers driving in the Landholder. They all get out of the Landholder at the top of a hill. Kevin remarks that they can see Cobblers Bay and the Heron Bridge from where they are. That comment from Kevin sets the story up for later on. They leave the Landholder there and hike the rest of the way into Hell. When they get into Hell the first piece of composed music starts to play. Up until this point only pre-recorded music has been played. Hell is very isolated and peaceful. It’s a really beautiful and quiet location. The group spends time bonding, laughing around a campfire. Through a conversation between If and Elli we discover that If has self-confidence issues. The next day Homer is talking to Elli about F’. Homer is reluctant to ask her out because he thinks that a girl as pretty as that must get asked out all the time. On the second eight of camping under the stars, planes are seen flying over them. No one takes much notice of it. â€Å"Just a bunch of Army planes going somewhere. † -? Elli. The next morning the group discusses the planes. Robin said that her and Lee stayed awake counting them, that there were dozens and dozens, flying really low. Whilst in Hell, Kevin shows small signs of selfishness. He was eating chocolate without sharing, and when there was a snake in his sleeping bag he made a big deal about it even though Elli was the one the snake was going for. The snake was about to bite Elli when Lee killed it. If went into the river. This shows small signs of some important traits in the characters. If is a bit of an airhead, as she didn’t know snakes could swim. Elli is very selfless and doesn’t draw attention to herself. Lee is protective over those he cares about. In this scene Homer is the one who gets the snake out of the sleeping bag, which shows that he is brave. They leave the next morning. As soon as the Landholder pulls up at Else’s there is a very strong sense that something is wrong. You read "Tomorrow, When the war began film study" in category "Papers" The colors in the shot are very dull and there a subtle but dramatic music that builds. Else’s dog is dead and her parents are nowhere to be seen. The power is out and the phone lines have been cut. There is no cell reception or Internet connection. They all go to Homer’s house next, which they find to be empty also. When the others find Homer inside he’s trying to use some sort of radio communicator. â€Å"Real quiet out there. † -Homer. They traveled to Kevin house on motorbikes as they had decided to stay off the main roads. Seven’s family isn’t there but his dog, Flip, is. There is a fight between the boys because Lee said it was a bad idea to take the dog with them. They decide to take Flip with them to Corrine’s and make another decision depending on what they find there. They find nothing new at Corrine’s house. Robin says that you can see most of Wire from the hill out the back of her house, which might tell them something. They see lights at the show grounds, which they think is where everyone is, and at the hospital, which must be using emergency generators. The group decides to split up. Robin and Lee go to Lee’s house and Homer takes If to hers. Homer, Carrie and Elli go to the show grounds. The story follows where Elli goes. At the show grounds they see most of the town being held captive. Elli goes to get a closer look while Kevin and Carrie stay hiding in between parked cars. A man careful a sentry spotted her. The soldiers start shooting at the three of them. Kevin runs and leaves the girls. The next shot is of the two girls running down a street. Kevin Jumps out at them and says he thought they were ahead of him so he Just ran. The girls are pretty mad at Kevin for running out on them. The three of them run into someone’s backyard to hide from the soldiers. Carrie cuts her knee on a lawn mower as they’re running. The soldiers are walking along the street looking for them. Elli takes Seven’s shirt and dips it into the petrol tank, then sets that on fire to throw back at the lawn mower. The lawn mower blows up, killing three soldiers. When Elli, Carrie and Kevin get back to Robin’s house If and Homer are there, but Lee and Robin hadn’t returned yet. There is a scene the next day when Elli is sleeping on the couch next to Homer. When they wake up Homer and Elli talk about what’s happening. Homer ties his hair up. From that point Homer’s hair stays back, which is symbolic for when he gets serious about what’s happening. Homer and Elli have become the leaders of the group. Homer and Elli decide to go back into town to look for them. Seven’s selfishness shows again when he is against the idea of going into own. Carrie is very mad at Kevin. Elli, Homer, If, Carrie and Homer are sitting around the table at Corrine’s making a list of things they need to pack in the Landholder to take into Hell. Kevin starts trying to fix something that makes a lot of noise. Once he stops that, they all hear Flip barking and a faint helicopter noise. They forgot to have someone on watch. The helicopter flies around the house looking in with a spotlight. No one is spotted but it comes back and Homer shoots at it on impulse. The helicopter marks the house with flares. The group runs from the house, Elli and If eloping Carrie run because of her injured knee. Kevin runs back to save his dog, Flip. A missile in shot into the house and it explodes. The group had only Just made it into the shed in time. This makes them all realize how right Homer was. Hell was the only safe place for them. Elli and Homer ride into town to find Lee and Robin. As they’re riding into town they pass the Heron Bridge and see that the enemy are using it for access to Wearied from Cobblers Bay. When Elli and Homer reach Robin’s house they found her there alone and very scared. Lee had been shot. Robin leads Elli and Homer to Lee’s restaurant. There is a great shot when Elli is waiting for Homer and Robin and she sees a painting on the brick wall behind her. The painting is of Captain Cook and His men settling in Australia, there are indigenous people standing in the background. This is a big statement as to what the English did to the aboriginals. When they get to Lee’s restaurant there was a man, Dry Clement, is working on Lee’s leg. Before he leaves Elli asks him if he knows about any others like them. He tells them that he’s heard about a few. Some even tried to blow up the Heron Bridge, but they all paid the price. Elli, Homer, Lee and Robin are discussing how to get Lee out of town. They end up deciding on a garbage truck, which was Else’s idea. She wanted to rock up in something so indestructible that it wouldn’t matter who saw them. Lee climbs into the bucket at the front of the truck and Robin sits in the cabin with Elli while Homer gets a get-away car. Soldiers start shooting at them. Elli yells to Robin to take the gun and shoot back but she refuses. There is a car chase sequence. In the end they get away and meet Homer. The next scene is of Carrie looking at the smoking rubble of what was her home. The colors in the shot car. Throughout the movie there are many times when the strong friendship between these two girls is showed. Everyone is in the Landholder asleep while Elli is driving. She is too tired to drive and almost hits a tree. She pulls into the next driveway and stops the car. As they’re all walking into the house they start talking about the boy who lives in that house, Chris, saying he’s a stoner. They hear a voice and Chris is standing on the porch watching them. Chris did look like a bit of a stoner. He had earphones in, and his hair looked unkempt. Elli left Chris on watch while the others Estes. Elli and Lee were sitting together talking. Lee kissed Elli and she kissed him back. Elli then left Lee to go check on Chris. When Elli gets to Chris she sees that he’s fallen asleep. This enrages Elli. She’s screaming at Chris that he risked all of their lives. Elli takes the gun and points it at Chris. Chris falls to the floor. Because of the camera angles, we get the sense that Elli is in power. The camera points up to Elli and points down to Chris, so the audience would get the feeling of who is the weaker one if they didn’t already know. Elli doesn’t shoot Chris. Chris goes with them back to Hell. When in Hell, there is a moment when Elli is alone on top of the hill. She is looking out at the Heron Bridge. She can see convoys rolling across it consistently. The next scene is of Elli, Lee and Homer watching the bridge at night and talking about why and how they are going to blow it up. â€Å"If they can’t resurvey their soldiers, then they can’t fight. † -? Elli. Homer already has a plan. Elli and If steal a petrol tanker, almost getting shot by soldiers. Dramatic music builds, but stops suddenly when If asks if she can smash the window. The music tarts building again when she smashes it and the soldiers hear it. Elli and If park the tanker close to the bridge. There are four Walker-Talkies between the groups, one between two. If turns the walker-talkie off, so they don’t receive the message that there were soldiers creeping up behind the truck. To get away, the girls have to drive the tanker into position, but no one else was ready yet. Homer and Lee hurry their distraction, which works quite well. Elli and If are all set until they realize that neither of them have a lighter. Elli and If are lying on the ground screaming and eating shot at by soldiers. Robin takes the gun Chris was holding and shoots the soldiers. Meanwhile, Kevin, Carrie, Homer and Lee are all getting shot at by the soldiers. Kevin gets up and runs from the group. Instead of leaving them, he brings back the other motorbike for them all to get away on. Homer and Lee take that bike and Kevin is about to drive away with Carrie when she stops him. She’s about to say she forgives him or something, when she gets shot. Chris runs to light the rope to blow up the tanker. The truck explodes and completely obliterates the bridge. Elli, If, Robin and Chris return to Else’s house to find Carrie lying on the couch bleeding. Kevin says he loves her takes her to hospital. The film then goes to Else’s video diaries talking about the search parties they’ve seen. The group is back in hell, with guns. They’re looking out to Cobbler’s Bay and where the Heron Bridge was. The last shot is of three motorbikes riding into the distance, each with two people on them. Characters and Conflicts Kevin Immediately after the motorbike sequence Carrie tells Elli about losing her virginity to Kevin. Kevin is obviously in a committed relationship. Whilst camping in Hell, Kevin shows some subtle signs of selfishness. The first example was when he was eating chocolate without sharing, even though the whole group wanted some. The second example was when there was a snake in his sleeping bag. Kevin refused to go near it, and even when the snake was dead he made a fuss. When the group had returned from Hell and rode motorbikes to Seven’s house, Kevin was the only one not sharing a bike with someone. Later on that day, Kevin was with Elli and Carrie when the soldiers started going after them. Elli and Carrie fall behind and Kevin leaves them. The next day, when the group are discussing going into town to look for Robin and Lee, Kevin interrupts saying that it’s a huge risk and that he won’t go. Near the end of the film, Kevin, Carrie, Homer and Lee are getting shot at by the soldiers. Kevin gets up and runs, this makes the audience think he’s leaving them again. But he actually gets another motorbike so they can all leave. Kevin is waiting for Carrie to get on the back of his bike when she gets shot. Kevin drives Carrie to hospital, even though there is most certainly a very dark future for him in this war. By the end of the film Kevin has realized how much Carrie means to him. Homer Homer has a proud rebellious Greek side in him that makes him not care what anyone thought of him. Homer is a troublemaker, which is made obvious when his character is first introduced strutting out of the police station with pride. During the time he spent with the group before the war started, Homer becomes known as a joker. An example of this is when the snake is in Seven’s sleeping bag. During that one scene Homer shows that he is independent, capable and immature. The example of him being capable was the fact that Homer was the one trying to get the snake out of the sleeping bag. He shows his immaturity by dancing when Elli told him to shake it, meaning the bag. He shows that he is very independent when Lee kills that snake and Homer says he was about to do that, as if he thought Lee wasn’t needed. His rebellious thinking becomes useful when the group decide to blow up the bridge. Homer’s major turning point in the film is when he ties his hair up. From this point onwards, Homer is a very a serious and committed member of the group. Robin Robin comes from a very strict, religious family. However, she is quite cheeky in the way that she lies to her Dad about her reasons for wanting to go camping. Robin is very well presented in front of her father. At first, she seemed quite shy but whilst the group was spending time together in Hell she opened up a bit. When the group is talking about going into town to fight, Robin very firmly states that she would not kill anyone. At one point, her morals almost kill her, Elli and Lee when she refuses to shoot back at the soldiers chasing them in the scene with the garbage truck. Robin is very caring, this is shown when we find out that Robin carried Lee to safety after he was shot. When the group is trying to execute their plan to destroy the bridge and it al goes horribly wrong, Robin helps save the day. Elli and If are lying in the grass takes the gun from Chris and walks forward. There is a brilliant shot of her walking forward, and her leg pushes past a swing seat. This represents Robin moving away from the innocent child she’s always been. By the end of the film, Robin is still scared but she has grown. She is stronger and she is more willing. Key Scenes Prominent Setting This scene takes place during the second night that the group spends camping in Hell before the war started. The scene starts with a close up shot of Homer snoring, leaping around a campfire. The camera then moves to Elli, when we hear the sound of airplanes. Elli wakes and looks at Carrie who is lying across the fire from her. It takes Elli a moment to register what the sound is; she looks to the sky and sees the planes. Carrie wakes and asks about the smell, and questions when Elli says it’s Jet fuel. â€Å"Just a bunch of Army planes going somewhere. † -? Elli. Carrie then rolls over to be closer to Kevin, which leaves only Homer and Elli in the light of the fire. This shot is great because Elli and Homer become the leaders. The fact that Homer doesn’t wake up is a very subtle hint that he still needs to mature. The shot of Elli and Homer sleeping is an aerial shot to give the feeling that they are small and weak against the forces of the invading army. This scene only lasts for 50 seconds but it is a crucial part of the story. If this scene didn’t exist, it would seem to be such a sudden Jump from the balance when they return from Hell. I think the setting is important in this scene because it shows how well hidden and safe they are in Hell. This scene is another very short scene, but I think the camera work is great. In this cane Elli is asking Lee to come camping with her and her friends. Elli is quite awkward in conversation, which makes it apparent that she likes Lee. Lee seems to be very happy to be hearing from Elli, so maybe he likes her too. For the most part of the conversation, Elli and Lee are facing away from each other, making it look awkward. The camera shots don’t have them facing each other until Lee says that he’d love to go camping with her. At this, Ell spins around talking excitedly. Elli seems to relax when Lee says yes too, this may be more obvious because of the camera work. The rule of thirds is used well in this scene. Both of the characters shoulders sit along the bottom horizontal line, and the face of the character is usually on one of the vertical lines. Excellent Camera Work The scene starts off with the group, apart from Lee and Robin, sitting at the table at Corrine’s house making a list of things to take with them to Hell. Kevin leaves the table to go try fixing the sink, which makes a lot of noise. When he does fix it and the noise takes charge of the situation. He yells for everyone to spread out and go to different rooms. The helicopter circles the house until it’s where Elli is standing. This shot of Elli is good because it follows the rule of thirds very well. The bottom horizontal line goes across the floor and the right vertical line is on the doormen where Elli is standing. The light stays on her for a while until the helicopter leaves. Everyone takes a breath of relief, and then it comes back. The group all drops to the ground except Homer, who impulsively shoots at the helicopter. The helicopter marks the house with flairs. Elli yells at everyone to run. They all make it to the shed with time to spare except Kevin, who goes back for Flip. Kevin has to Jump from the explosion but he doesn’t get hurt. Corrine’s house is completely destroyed. The ending Elli, F’, Robin and Chris walk into Else’s house. They’re talking and laughing excitedly about the bridge. They’re mood suddenly drops when they see Lee. He leads them to the living room where Carrie is lying on the couch across Seven’s lap. Kevin is holding her and stroking her hair. Elli rushes to her side. Carrie wants them to leave her. Homer agrees, he says it’s the only rational thing to do. Kevin interrupts saying he doesn’t care what’s rational. He loves Carrie and he’s staying with her. This displays well how much Kevin has changed. Sad music starts playing quietly Just before Kevin says that he loves Carrie. Elli says goodbye to Carrie through the window of the Landholder. Elli runs to Lee and cries, very loudly. Only the two couples are shown in focus now: Homer and If, and Elli and Lee. The music swells as Elli is crying, then dulls. Homer starts talking about what they’ve done, saying that they’ve hit them hard and that the soldiers will be looking for them. A different music starts playing. The music now is similar to what played when the group returned from Hell to Else’s empty house. It cuts to Else’s video diary. She is well composed, strong. Else’s voice continues over a helicopter shot going around the hills into Hell. Dramatic music is building. The six of them are getting guns from somewhere hidden in the bush. They Bridge was. The camera moves over each one of them. The appearance of some shows how much they’ve changed. Chris has his hair tucked into a beanie, and looks serious. If has dirty hair no makeup, she looks determined and ready. Before, If could have been compared to a frightened little Barbie Doll, but now she’s more like a soldier. Robin’s face is pale and dirty. She looks slightly frightened but she knows what she needs to do. The group walks forward in single file. Robin is the last to follow; She pauses before walking with them and takes a deep breath. This shows that Robin is still scared and religious, but she will stay with her friends and protect them when she can. The music has been building and is quite loud by this time. The last shot is of three motorbikes with two people on each, riding off into the distance. The music reaches it’s climax and is cut off to play the credit music. Alternate Ending The two endings are the same until Homer’s dialogue. His voice continues over the shot of the bikes riding along the road. There are individual shots of the couples on the bikes. It then cuts to Else’s video diary. However, in this video diary Elli is pouring her feelings out, hoping they’ll be safe. The ending they chose was best suited to the movie. The audience would be more eager to watch a sequel because it would more likely lead to more action. The real ending I think was better because it showed how losing Carrie had made them stronger and developed as a group. It really emphasizes the changes they have all made throughout the film. It would lead into the second film well because they are looking at Cobblers Bay, which they plan to attack. How to cite Tomorrow, When the war began film study, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Undertaken Based Ontology And Epistemology â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Undertaken Based Ontology And Epistemology? Answer: Introduction Change management is the process of to make the individuals flexible with the changing environment in an organization. However, in a change management process different practices are included that redefine and redirect the budget allocation use of resources and mode of operation as these are necessary to manage the changes in an organization. However, in Australia change management is considered as the formal vocation in the workplace in order to develop the national competency standard(Albrechts, 2017). For any organization, it is crucial to managing the new changes in their system as changes are crucial to meet the organizational goal. This assignment deals with the change management in the context of Woolworths, which is a popular supermarket in Australia. The analysis of the change management in this organization will be undertaken based on the ontology and epistemology. However, such two theoretical perspectives are beneficial to understand the change management process in an or ganization Identification of the two different theoretical perspectives Ontology and the epistemology are two well known theoretical perspectives that are applied in the managing organizational change. Ontologies are associated with the knowledge sharing methods. Models based on the ontology bring changes in a traditional system. However, ontology makes the change in the business requirements. The ontology includes four phases that reveal the change management system and identifies the higher level of the ontology pattern. Change operationalization is the first phase of the ontology(Allen, Jimmieson, Irmer, 2007). This phase focuses on the domain specificity that is associated with the change operators. However, the real changes in a particular domain can be undertaken by this layer of change. The first two layer of the operator framework is associated with the generic changes that can be applied in any domain. Moreover, changes in a particular domain are identified by this phase. Phase two focuses on the change representation in an organization. However, layered change logs support the implementation of the operator framework(Alvesson Skldberg, 2009). The higher level of ontology changes highlights on the change pattern within an organization. Phase three reveals that the atomic change operation is associated with the addition or the deletion of any particular knowledge associated with the change management(Sveningsson, 2015). Therefore, stage four focuses on the discovery of the change management in particular domain in an organization. However, this highlights on the reusable change process that can be incorporated into the existing system of the knowledge management. Epistemology is another theoretical perspective associated with the change management. This theory focuses on the nature of the knowledge, rationality of the thinking and justification. Epistemology also includes areas like philosophical analysis, scope, and source of the knowledge, identification of the problem and justification of knowledge(Anderson, 2015). According to the ontology perspective organizational change can be defined as the alteration of the existing knowledge to meet the organizational objectives. However, ontology is associated with knowledge sharing. Hence, in order to bring the changes in an organization, it is important to improve the existing knowledge that can be done by sharing the knowledge(Armstrong Taylor, 2014). On the other hand, according to epistemology organizational change can be defined as the new opportunities to implement new practices in an organizational system by identifying the issues. However, epistemology is associated with scope, problem identification, and justification. Organizational change is based on the ontology and the epistemology has a relationship as both theoretical perspectives focus on the sharing, scope, and source of the knowledge(Ashforth, Harrison, Corley, 2008). In order to bring changes in an organization improvement of the knowledge is crucial. In the context of an organization, employees need to accumulate more knowledge and to improve their existing knowledge to implement any changes in an organization. However, incorporation of any changes in an organization without proper knowledge affects the performance of the business. Hence, both ontology and epistemology are linked with the framework of the change management. Ontology reveals the knowledge sharing for change management while epistemology reveals identification of problem and scopes to mitigate such problem. Hence, a close link can be found between two definitions as to implement new changes by detecting the organizational issues knowledge sharing is crucial(Balmer, 2008). Brief introduction of the organization Woolworths is a well known Australian supermarket and specialized for selling groceries all over the Australia. Apart from the groceries, this organization sells stationery items, magazines and DVDs also. At present Woolworths operates around 1000 stores in Australia and 968 supermarkets. This organization established in 1924 in Australia. They sell the variety of consumer goods including vegetables, meat, packaged food and fruits as the grocery items. The mission of Woolworths is to provide value to their customers and security to their employees by providing them financial service. Their vision is to provide excellent service to their customers with low price. Woolworths follows matrix structure in their organization. Their main strategy is to reduce the operation cost and to provide high-quality product at low price. One of the major issues of Woolworths is to maintain the speed of utilizing the technological advancement with other competitors. In the recent years, a large number of retailers are operating in the same market segment in Australia that may bring a major challenge for Woolworths to gain competitive advantages in the global market. Apart from this the low pricing strategy of Woolworths will be beneficial for them to get the valuable position in the market(Woolworths, 2017). Identification and description of the change that occurred in Woolworths Several changes have taken place in Woolworths since last few years one of the most important changes is the reshuffling of the management team in Woolworths. In order to measure the performance of the employees and to introduce the new strategy for the development of low price, Woolworths has reshuffled its management team. Woolworths is associated with the home improvement besides selling the food products. This change has been done to analyze the effectiveness of the implemented strategies in achieving the organizational goal. This change is applied in the home improvement segment of Woolworths. The reshuffling of the management team for the performance measurement of a specific domain involves in generating detailed information of such specific unit (Burke, 2017). Performance measurement is crucial for every organization as based on which an organization is able to gain the success(Bauman, 1988). Performance of such domain has been measured based on their income. Performance measurement of such group not only includes a review report but also financial cost, revenue, and expenses of such group that is calculated in this process. The CEO, human resource director, and the hierarchy are involved in this change management process. However, reshuffling of the management team causes the employee engagement those are associated with the administration. Therefore, it also creates a difficult situation for some team members in the management of home improvement group as it leads them to become worried about their work. However, the team members are habituated with their particular team work. Hence, reshuffling of the team creates an uncomfortable and challenging working environment for them as the employees have to work with the new team. Relationship between the change management of Woolworths and ontological and epistemological change management theories According to the ontology, the change in an organization is the improvement of the existing knowledge(Beech, MacIntosh, Krust, Kannan, Dadich, 2017). In the context of Woolworths, they have reshuffled their management team for the home improvement domain that focuses on the enhancement of the existing knowledge of the employees. However, reshuffling of the management team leads the employees to work with new people in a new environment. That allows the employees to share their knowledge with other team members and to learn new things from their team members(Berger Luckmann, 1991). On the other hand, as per the epistemology change brings new opportunity to establish the new practice in the organizational system. However, reshuffling of the team in Woolworths is a new practice that will enhance collaboration between the employees and bring new opportunity to improve their learning skill to maximize their performance. SWOT analysis S-Strength Market leader in the Australian retail industry Having strong resources Low price with high-quality product Effective operational approaches W-Weakness Adoption of later online marketing Growth strategy is affected by the external environment Low price leads to face huge competition T-Threat High price of the raw materials affects the profit margin Economic recession resists the growth strategy by opening more store O-Opportunity Brand promotion through advertising Expand the growth through franchise models Table 1: SWOT analysis of Woolworths Source:(Woolworths, 2017) Analysis According to the above SWOT analysis of Woolworths, it has been found that Woolworths is one of the leading brands in the Australian retail sectors and has strong resources that lead the organization to show effective operation management. However, one of the most important weaknesses is poor growth strategy and huge competition in the market. Therefore, rising price of the raw materials and economic recession affects the business profitability in context on Woolworths. Hence, it has been addressed that to reduce the high competition in the market Woolworths needs to increase the performance of their team members. For this reason, the reshuffling of the management team has been done by this organization. Team reshuffling leads the employees to learn more and to take challenges. In order to minimize the huge competition employee development is crucial for any organization(Boje, 2012). For this reason, team reshuffling is a good idea of Woolworth. However, there is the opportunity for the brand promotion for Woolworths based on their strengths that also can be achieved through the team shuffling of management. Based on the SWOT analysis of the Woolworths, their current market position is good in Australian retail industry as they are the present market leader in the retail markets. However, an emerging competition is noticed for the Woolworths that highlights on the present threat for such organization. Hence, implementation of the team reshuffling is a big initiative for the Woolworths to maximize the performance of their employees in their organization that will enhance their profitability as well as their competitive advantages(Anderson, 2015). Benefits and drawbacks of SWOT analysis in context of business Business SWOT analysis is used by the organization to understand the strength and weakness of an organization (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). However, the strength of an organization enables them to accomplish their objectives while weakness affects the efficiency of the organization. In the context of Woolworths through the business SWOT analysis, this organization is able to carry out to give shape their strategic planning for the implementation of the new change in an organization. On the other hand, for the introduction of the new approach in a business SWOT analysis is vital for the business organization (Allen et al., 2007). However, the current need of the reshuffling of the management team is understood by the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis reveals the current strength of the Woolworths that ensures the success of the team reshuffling while the weakness and threat of the Woolworths are also determined by the SWOT analysis. According to the business SWOT of Woolworth's huge competition is the major weakness of such organization in the recent years. In order to cope up with such challenge, they need to increase their team performance, which can be done through team reshuffling. SWOT analysis is a cost effective manner that can be done without any special training and technological skill(Brown, 2017). This analysis reveals the current position of Woolworths and the need of implementing new changes in this organization. SWOT analysis has some disadvantages besides its advantages. However, the SWOT analysis reveals the issues only based on the weakness while there is no account of alternative ways to minimize the issues(Malgas Benedict, 2017). However, in the context of Woolworths their weakness is defined in the SWOT analysis that shows the huge competition and poor growth strategies. However, the solution is not mentioned to come over such weakness. Therefore, the SWOT analysis gives a lot of information regarding the organization while all information is not vital to identify the current position of the organization. Role of the change agents Several factors are associated with the change management in an organization one of the most important is globalization(McCalman, Paton, Siebert, 2016). However, due to globalization, the leadership challenges occur in an organization that leads the organization to manage the changes. In the context of Woolworths, they have implemented the reshuffling of the management team in order to enhance the team performance. In order to cope up with the leadership challenge, the team reshuffling is crucial for the Woolworths to bring improvement in the performance of such organization. On the other hand, workforce diversity is another agent of change management. Workforce diversity refers to a variety of people based on the religion, age, cognitive style, culture and education(Morin, et al., 2016). However, it is important for any organization to bring cultural diversity in the workplace to enhance the collaborative work in an organization. Team reshuffling is a vital approach to maintain the workforce diversity in Woolworths. The reshuffling of the management team leads the employees to interact with the people belong from different cultures, which enable an organization to share information and improve the performance level of the organization(Rosenbaum, More, Steane, 2017). Organizational structure is another change agent that invites the implementation of the changes in an organization. Woolworths made the changes for their home improvement domain thus they have reshuffled the management team. Such particular domain is associated with the organizational structure of Woolworths. Hence, to improve the organizational structure for their home improvement team reshuffling the team members can give significant outcomes for Woolworths. Financial performance is another vital agent that facilitates changes in an organization. However, to enhance the financial performance some specific changes have been done by the organization(Volberda, Mihalache, Fey, Lewin, 2017). Employee performance is related to the financial performance. Thus Woolworths has reshuffled their management team to bring opportunity for their home improvement domain. Team reshuffling leads the team members of a particular team to work with another team. This allows the employees to learn a lot of information from their colleagues and to develop the innovative idea that will enhance their performance level as well as the profitability of the organization. Performance measurement is a big change management agent that brings changes in an organization(Balmer, 2008). It has been addressed previously that in order to measure the performance Woolworths has reshuffled their management team. Team reshuffling changes the working procedures of the employees and they have to work in a new environment with the new team. This is a good process to measure the performance of the employees as through this process the organization will analyze the skill of the employees. Hence, this change agent enables the Woolworths to understand the level of skill of the management team in the home improvement domain. Accountability of the leader can be addressed through the change management(Berger Luckmann, 1991). Team reshuffling in Woolworths also enables this organization to measure the accountability of the employees. However, it is a big challenge for the leader to lead the new people in the team as this situation occurs through the team reshuffling. Hence, if the leader is able to cooperate with the new people and to improve the team performance this will ensure the accountability of the leader. Thus the implementing new changes in an organization reveal the performance and the accountability of the leader of a team. Hence these above agents are associated with incorporation of the new changes in an organization and role of such agents are addressed in the context of Woolworths to manage the reshuffling of management teams within this organization(Roth DiBella, 2016). Critical discussion of problem centric and dialog approaches of change management Problem centric approaches focus on the learning environment to improve the knowledge and to solve the organizational problem(Seipel, Weth, Abreu, Nogatz, Werner, 2016). However, the problem centered approaches act as the vehicle in order to meet the organizational objectives and goals. One of the most important stages of problem centric approach is to engage the individuals in their work and to improve their performance level. Problem centric approach insists the employees give more efforts to implement changes in an organization. However, problem centric approach allows the people to get experience by facing any problem. One of the important characters of the problem centric approach is it allows the individuals to be capable to direct themselves and also guide themselves to resolve any problem. Hence, the employees are able to guide themselves through the problem centric approach in change management. On the other hand, identification of the civic responsibility of the employees regarding their work is another part of the problem centric approach. Direct participation in various activities is a good example of the problem centric approach. In the context of Woolworth's change can be implemented in this organization by adopting the problem centric approaches. Such curriculum enables the employees to recognize the exact problem and to develop the possible solution to minimize such problem. Therefore, the individuals are considered as the problem solver in this phase of the change management(Roth DiBella, 2016). Problem-based learning is the main stage of the problem centered approach that is significant for the employees to gather knowledge from solving any problem. One of the major mistakes that occur during the change management is the failure of the proper communication. However, often the leader fails to develop cooperation and to bring positive effect on the change management through the dialog. Expansion of the involvement and influence are the core areas of the change management. According to the core belief of the dialog approach, it is important for the organization to initiate and sustain the changes in an organization by involving people in an organization(Balmer, 2008). This strategy enables an organization to maximize the cooperation between the employees. However, the dialog is a vital element of the change process as though this approach the leader gets the scope to share and communicate with the vision of change management. Therefore, the employees also show their concern and ideas regarding the implemented changes in an organization. Ontology theory has four stages among these stages phase two that refer the change representation is associated with both dialog and problem centric approaches. However, change representation is a process that enables the organization to communicate with the implemented changes(Berger Luckmann, 1991). In the context of the dialog, approach leader needs to give proper dialog to their employees regarding the new changes in an organization. Hence, this focuses on the representation of the change management as communication with the implemented changes is categorized under the representation of the change management. Through the specific dialog, the leader in an organization gives the idea to the employees on how the change can be implemented. Moreover, it can be said that dialog approach is a practice to represent the change elements in an organization. On the other hand, problem centric approach highlights on the problem-based learning. Hence, employees in an organization can represen t their skill and knowledge to bring changes in an organization that they have achieved from resolving any problem. However, employees obtain knowledge from facing problems. In order to implement new changes in an organizational system, the employees shared their experience and knowledge with other. This makes them cooperative and to represent the way to manage changes in an organization. Hence, it is justified that representation of the new changes can be done by using problem centric and dialog based approaches(Volberda, Mihalache, Fey, Lewin, 2017). Benefits and drawbacks of the problem centric and dialog based approaches Long term retention of the knowledge is one of the advantages of the problem centric approach. However, problem-based learning enables the employees to improve their capabilities in solving issues(Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Therefore, continuous engagement is another benefit of the problem centric approach as it increases employee engagement in the change management process. This approach also improves the interpersonal skill and the teamwork. One of the major drawbacks of problem centric approach focuses that it is very time-consuming. However, this approach takes more time to make the communication in a team and to complete the task that hampers the efficiency of the team. On the other hand, employees can be benefited from the dialog based approach as the leader is able to share detailed information regarding the change management and the employees are able to get a clear idea about the new changes. The drawback of dialog approach is it often causes isolation as the employees prefer to learn based on their own capabilities rather than taking instruction from the leader. In the context of Woolworths, they have implemented reshuffling of the management team in their organization as a change to measure the performance of the employees. For this change management problem, the centric approach will be beneficial. This approach will enhance the skill and knowledge of the team members and they get experience from different challenges. Application of such approach will improve the employee engagement and the team performance as the reshuffling of the team leads the team members to work in a new environment and with new peoples. For this reason, they understand the needs of sharing information and knowledge through collaborative work to cope up with such new changes(Albrechts, 2017). Conclusion The above piece of work reveals different elements of the ontology theory and epistemology to understand the change management in an organization. However, ontology theory includes four perspectives to evaluate the change management process. 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